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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fourth Week (Sept. 26-30)


*Monday, Sept. 26*
Nothing fun today. Oh poo. :'(

*Tuesday, Sept. 27*
Remember how in the first week of school Blake hit his head off the dumbbell doing sit ups? Well being the idiot he is, he hurt himself again in the weight room. :D  We had some time left over from the push-up test, so our teacher let us talk for the last ten minutes.  Marie and I were reminiscing and laughing again...when SUDDENLY, we both just so happen to glance across the room and see Blake hurt himself!!  He was trying to be cool and lift the bigger dumbbells in which I can't recall the real name of.  He was pulling it up to strengthen his biceps, but jerked and whopped himself in the face!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!! OMG Marie and I were dying of laughter..Should've been there..For the rest of class he was rubbing his teeth and chin..hahaha..

*Wednesday, Sept. 28*
In the wonderful class of Tech Ed., we were cutting wood. (Fascinating, I know!)  Anyway, we were doing this assembly line thing and were in groups of 2-3 at each machine.  (Needith I remind you, there's only 3 girls in my class.)  I was with this guy, John, and we were at the table saw.  The table saw kicks back a TON of wood and sawdust, so after the first few cuts I made, the whole entire front part of my body was COVERED in sawdust. I was wearing a thin shirt, so some of the larger pieces went through my shirt and INTO MY SKIN!! OUCH! At the end of class, our teacher showed us how to use the air hose. (for those of you who don't know what it is, it's a hose that blows air to get all the sawdust off ya.)  Anyway, I was the first to use it.  That hose has so much pressure, you can loose control of it easily..and thus I did, and the three kids in which I blew the air on were literally "blown away" (haha).  Andrew Schnepp was like, "I'M BLIND!!". Oh god I love that kid:).

*Thursday, Sept. 29*
Today we were cutting more wood in Tech Ed., but John and I were at a different station. The Miter saw.  You have to wait 'til the blade stops turning after you cut the wood to bring it up.  I guess I got a bit lazy and after the fourth time through.  I brought it up and the piece of scrap wood flew across the room!! Haha it was so funny!  John was like, "Don't do that again!"  And everybody else was like, "What was that?!!"  It kept happening to me and John.  Most of the time on 'accident'. ;)  Oh what fun.

My cousin Bryce is in my lunch period.  His friends kicked him out of his table (today).  So he sat with us today.  Some kids were like, "Are you guy's siblings?"
"No we're cousins.."
"Since when?"
"Since we were born."
Yeah he left shortly after that to go to the library..

8th period I have English. There's this guy whose name is Ben and this new girl whose name is Catherine.  THEY FLIRT ALL THE TIME!!! It's so annoying!  Maliha and I passed them an 'annonymous' note saying "JUST DATE ALREADY!"  They were like, who did this? They were both like, "oh I don't want to date you.."  But after that, now they flirt even more and like each other EVEN MORE!!! *high fives Maliha

In Gym today we had to run the mile again (wtf?) ..because we have to run it twice; at the beginning and end of the time you have gym.  But, we have gym for the first 2 semesters:(.  Since our teacher loves us and doesn't want us to run it in the winter, she made us run it today. .

ANYWAY, when I was on my 2nd lap, I heard really hard breathing behind me.  I glance back...and...guess who it was......GARRETT!!!  I looked back again, and he was jogging faster and smiling nicely (and creepily) at me.  I ran faster and looked back one more time, he was catching up and yelled, "Hey! I have to talk to you!"  Oh. My. God.  I sprinted from there on and avoided him for the rest of class.  HE IS SO CREEPY!! GAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I HAD A NIGHTMARE!!!! *shudders

*Friday, Sept. 30*
 In Social studies, we were talking about state laws and our teacher was asking for laws that we knew.  This one blond girl told us about a law.
"In Georgia, you're not allowed to tie giraffes to light poles."
What? How do you even GET a giraffe??  Then she told us another one.
"Did you know that you're not allowed to go whale fishing in Nevada and Montana."
WHAT?!?!!!  Hahaha she's so stupid:
"Kristen, there's no oceans in Nevada and Montana."
"Oh really? I thought there was.."
Maggie and I had a good laugh after that..:)

Earlier today, Riggs wanted to see my friend Tessa and I do ariels. (for those of you who are stupid an ariel is like a flip..a cartwheel with no hands)  So in gym, we were having an "ariel party" on the tennis courts and in the hallways.:)  She got hers down, but me? Sadly no. I still need to WERK on mine..

And after gym, I was changing in the locker room.  Riggs, Austin, and Tessa were waiting for me in the hallway. We walk to the lobby.  We turn the corner and OUT POPS LITTLE JOHN (not the kid in my Tech Ed. class) !!! "Tessa, will you go to homecoming with me?" he giggles as he hands her a bouquet of flowers. "YES OF COURSE!" The bell rings and they hug and jump on top of each other, and everybody claps and 'awws'..They hold hands and walk away into the crowd of students.  :) So cute:D

I STILL can't remember what I was going to say last week of my Freshman Year. I need to. Ugh whatever. See ya next week:) Maybe.

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