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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seventh Week ~ (Oct. 17-21)

*Monday, Oct. 17*
I have a feeling this week will be SSSLLOOOWWWW.
And yes, I will be right.

*Tuesday, Oct. 18*
Okay there are some real freaky kids in my school.  Brittney is one of those kids.  She's just, not normal.  And I know it's better to be not normal, but she takes "not normal" to a whole different level.  Great originality, but THIS is not right.  Today she had this bag. A blood bag filled with, what I think is blood. It was disgusting it was just sitting on her desk and hanging out of her pocket.  The most disturbing part?  
Wha-? That's not right.  I couldn't get a picture of her drinking it or holding it, but this was the best:
No joke.  She sits with her weird-o friends, so don't judge on my school for being fat and creepy.  These kids are individually creepy. (Sorry if you guys are reading this. It's for effect)
That's it I can't talk about this anymore.... *pukes

*Wednesday, Oct. 19*
Today I had to audition for the school musical. NOW I DO NOT LIKE TO SING AND ACT, BUT MY PARENTS WANT ME TO BE INVOLVED IN EVERYTHING.  And tonight was the dance audition.  (If you don't know this, I'm a dancer.  Everything from ballet to hip-hop. )  I'm not just saying this because it's me, but I'm a pretty dang good dancer.  People tell me so.  Anyway, the kids auditioning were all mainly singers and actors..not dancers. Great for me, I guess.  ANYWAY I am addicted to handstands and being upside-down:).  So there I was doing flips in my own world. Tessa came over and wanted to practice the combination for the audition, and there we were practicing the dance.  A few feet away there was a group of kids, junior or seniors, and they were all huddles and whispering and looking over at me... I glance over and at the same time, they're all like, "WHAT"S YOUR NAME?!!" 
"Me?" I point to myself and look around thinking, 'what??'.
"Yeah you, in the blue!"
Of course I'm the only person in their direction wearing blue, and say, "ME???"
"Yes! You! What's your name?"
"Zandra [insert last name].." (See how this comes in handy?)
Some kids were like, "I KNOW YOU!"
"How do you know me? I don't even know you..."
"Oh, haha," they respond.  "You're a really good dancer!"
"Uhh, thanks?"
"Yeah and we watch your videos on YouTube! They're so funny!"
"And read your blog!"
On the outside, I'm like, "Uh, thanks!? Spread the word!!?". But on the inside, I'm like, "HOLY SHIT I'M FAMOUS!!"

*Friday, Oct. 21*
In revenge to what Maliha did to Maggie last week, Nia, Maggie, and I have a brilliant plan to get back at her.  I mustn't tell yinz what it is, for she may read this and be prepared for anything crazy next week...BUT TODAY WE COULD NOT CONTROL OURSELVES!!! WE'RE SO EXITED!!!  I need to stop before I get into depth.  *takes a deep breath.  :D

OMFG I want it to be Monday already!  Oh and next week of my Freshman Year is spirit week, because it's the week of homecoming. (shoot me)  Magical Monday, College Tuesday, Work Wear Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and Spirit (Fri)Day!  I'm goin' FULL OUT, man!!  WOOHOO!  

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