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Friday, September 30, 2011

Third Week (Sept.19-23)

 Holy shizzazle.  It's the third week of school!  I'm surprised and relieved that I made it through. :D  

 *Monday, Sept. 19*
So you know how some people are insecure about themselves?  Like, mainly teenagers? Well, I'm not. Thank the stars for it because if I was, I wouldn't be sitting here moving my fingers up and down across this keyboard...I don't care extensively about what the frig I look like or what people think of me, so screw those who do. ...Aaaannndd that was kinda random and now I forget what point I was going to make...GAH! I'll remember later..

In Tech Ed., we have to wear safety goggles.  Lindsay, Sara, and I take turns getting each others' goggles and putting them back. Today Lindsay was putting them back, and she told me what went on while she was doing so...Garrett the freakzoid came up to her and was like,
"Hey you're friends with Zandra [insert last name], right?"
She says, "Yeah...why??"
"Well do you know if she's going to homecoming with anyone?"
"No...but knowing her she probably doesn't even want to go to the dance.."
"Oh," he sighs, "okay. Just wondering.."
Looking at him like he has a "kick me" sign on his back, she says, "Garrett, don't even think about it. There's NO chance you're going with her.  That's just- not right.  Whatever the little Garretts inside your head are doing, they're doing it completely wrong.  Have someone toss a cinder block in their tiny offices to stop that nonsense.  Seriously, there's no way.."
Lindsay started to walk away and heard him whisper under his breath,
'There is a way. I DO have a chance. Just watch me..'

When Lindsay told me THAT incident, I was rolling on the floor laughing so hard!!! Literally!! Oh my god, what a kid. What a thought.  Then I was thinking, what would I do if he DID ask me?  What should I say?  I would normally shut him down, but ya never know how that child might ask me...*shudders yet another time

 *Tuesday, Sept. 20*
I still can't remember what I was going to say earlier.. x-(

Anyway, in art class, we had a visitor.  I forget what his name was but he was a happy man.. His job? He's the co-designer for Mary kate and Ashley Olsen! HOW COOL IS THAT!  He lives in New York City and works with them.  I forget what their fashion line is called, but he showed some of the designs he created and they're pretty cool.  Most of them were ugly but it was cool. All this, and he graduated from my high school (like 10 years ago).  What a man.  

Also in art class, this kid who emceed the middle school talent show last year is in my class.  His name is Sean and his natural hair color is dark brown.  Heh heh, he walked in with strawberry-blond hair today. Psht. When he walked by my table Maggie was like, "Did you guys see that?!??! Am I hallucinating or is his hair really that color?!!"  Oh god it just doesn't look right with his skin tone and eyebrows...it's not like him. Well, hey like I say: People change. Mentally and physically change. Sometimes it's for the better, sometimes for the worse, and sometimes for some reason we can't figure out. :-/
(You happy, Sean?)

 *Wednesday, Sept. 21*

I have two "lows" of the day.  Third period, and after school at around 3ish.  I love to sleep.  -_-  zzzzz  In social studies (3rd period), our teacher was giving us instructions on how to do our outlines and do this assignment.  That took about 20 minutes to do so, and boy was it BORING!! I looked around the room at the 5-minute mark and EVERYBODY was zoning out.  We were slouching, resting our eyes, holding up our heads with our hands, and most of us had our heads on our desks... When the teacher was like, "alright get to work", we were like, "What are we doing?"
Like everyone came up to him and asked, "can you explain it again?"
After the second kid he's like, "You guys weren't listening to me were you?"
Haha we were like, NOPE..

*Thursday, Sept. 22*
In Gym we have to have these heart-rate monitors to monitor our heart rate. (pretty self-explanatory, eh?) And we have to stay within 150 and 205beats per minute in 20+ minutes.  There's a strap you put against your heart; and for the ladies, "underneath the bra". They are so annoying!  They squeeze your ribs and make you breathe all funny.  Then we have these watches as well and nobody knows how to use them. Oh well. I still love gym:)

Today was the first day of dance class for me. Well, it's really the second day of dance, but it's the first Thursday.  MUCH better than Monday, which I don't feel like describing.  In tap class, I did a quadruple pirouette AND balanced it at the end!! Woohoo! and Molly (she's a junior) did this insane turn!! Like a nail drilling into the ground! Oh man yinz guys should've seen it..

*Friday, Sept. 23*
So sore today from dance. My back is killing me. Ouch.

In Bio, Mrs. LeVan was CRAZY. She was talking really fast and getting off topic and sticking tape on people's backs and running around the room and...HOLY CRAP!  "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"  My gawd. And the kid who sits next to me, Dean, was crazy too.  He was like, flailing around and demonically laughing and randomly naming animals and colors..this Friday was nuts day.  That's what it was..

Today Marie and I walked home.  I live 2 minutes from the school-driving time, and we figured we could walk home. Well of course it was RAINING and we had to walk on this stupid pathway so it was MUDDY and COLD and RAINY. I said that already.. We had no idea where the heck we were so we were walking in the woods for the last bit.  When we walked through my neighbor's back yard, Marie said, "I hope we won't get in trouble."  THEN, WE HEARD A CHAINSAW!! AAAAH!! We ran so fast after that...

I still can't remember what I was going to say earlier.  Dang.  Well hope yinz enjoyed this week of my Freshman Year.


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