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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sixth Week (Oct. 11-14)

*Tuesday, Oct. 11*
I'm a procrastinator. All I have to say for today. :/

*Wednesday, Oct. 12*
THIS IS PROOF THAT BEN AND CATHERINE LOVE EACHOTHER!!  Ben in in the yellow T-shirt, and Catherine is right in front of him, looking into his eyes..
(Sorry Ryan..)

*Thursday, Oct. 13*
Maliha flipped at Maggie in art today.  Just FLIPPED.  She thought Maggie was the one who took her pliers and put tape on her backpack..Nope, it wasn't Maggie, but hey Maliha still flipped..


Want more proof? Watch this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8IdItgu-j0 

Well this week I forgot to write down all the events, so that's all I got.  I hope I remember next week of my Freshman Year.

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