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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fifth Week (Oct. 3-7)

*Monday, Oct. 3*
In German, we get tested by having a conversation with another student in German.  Herr picks random people, and I was with this kid David.  He's weird.  When the conversation started, he says "Hallo!" and reaches out for a handshake.  We shake hands and the conversation continues... At the end we ask what our grade is, and we both got 95%!  We high-five then walk back to our desks. Of course his seat is in front of me.  Toward the end of class he turns around and gives me this (funny) creeper stare and reaches out for another high-five.  Then Herr let us talk for the last few minutes, and David kept staring at me. Made me uncomfortable. He comes over and pats me on the back and keeps coming over and TOUCHING ME!  I finally crack and yell, "Dude, stop touching me!"  He's like, "oh my bad," and puts his hand on my arm.  Made me even more uncomfortable.  Thankfully the bell rang and I sprinted out the door.  I used a heck of a lot of hand-sanitizer the following period...

*Tuesday, Oct. 4*
In social studies, we were working in groups.  Connor, Myah, Olivia, and Marie are in my group, and we were working on some packet about the XYZ Affair. Well after we got the first few questions done, we were drifting off into this deep conversation about question marks.  We were drawing different kinds of question marks all over our papers and binders.... And in the midst of all these question marks, Connor randomly gets up and asks, 
"I've never really know this, but how many letters are in the alphabet??"

*silent moment

Connor: "No, really! Are there like 30 or 40 letters?"
Myah: "Oh my god, are you joking?"
Olivia: "This is so disappointing...."
Connor: "Somebody tell me! I wanna know!"
Myah: "Connor you should know this by now.."
Olivia: "I thought you were smarter than this..."
Myah: "I thought he was too, Olivia.."
Connor: "Just tell me!"
Myah: "No you should know how many letters there are, Connor."
Connor: "I'm serious! Is there like 30??"
Olivia: "Sadly, no.."
Connor: "Then how many?"
Zandra(me): "WHY ARE YOU EVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL!?!?!!!"
Myah: "Yeah, I'd like to know why.."
Connor: "Somebody tell me!"
Olivia, Myah, and Zandra(me): "NO!"
Connor: "Oh my god.."
*another silence
Marie: "There's 26."
Connor: "ooohhhh......"

Haha Myah slapped the back of his head and Olivia and I were just like, WOW..

*Wednesday, Oct. 5*
In Gym, we were practicing hitting tennis balls against the fence/wall.  Tessa and I hit our tennis balls the wrong way, and went to go fetch them.  We get 'em and right as we are about to turn around, Riggs has a spaz attack and whips the ball!! It flies OVER the fence/wall and INTO THE WOODS!  He turns around, and his jaw drops...
"Did ANYBODY see what just happened??"
He looks at Tessa and I, and we all just burst out laughing! Oh my god... I guess it's a "you had to be there" moment...

*Friday, Oct. 7*
In Art we're making these wire self-portraits of ourselves. And we use tape to hold down the wire.  WELL, Nia was having some trouble with the tape, and took all of it off her paper.  I can't explain anymore just look at the damn picture..

LOVE IT! (psht.)

Okay so if none of you know what "nuggeting" is, it's when someone steals your backpack or bag, takes everything out, turns it inside-out, and then puts everything back in, zips it up and puts it back where it was. They call it "nuggeting" because it looks like a McDonald's Chicken McNugget (ew!).  
Anyway, In English Ben was DETERMINED to nugget Julia's backpack. She left for the bathroom, and he grabbed it and started working on it... Meanwhile, Catherine and her buddies were nuggeting BEN'S backpack! When Julia walked back in and saw Ben zipping up her nuggeted bag, she flipped at Maliha(who was supposed to be watching over it..but was talking to someone else)!  Ben stuffed Julia's bag in the garbage can and sprinted across the room.  Catherine and her buddies were just sitting there, awaiting Ben's reaction.  He strolls over to his desk, sensing something different....one glance at his backpack...
"WHAT!?! NOOO!!!!" 
"WHO DID THIS!!??!!" 
*Catherine smiles..

Haha and our teacher hates Ben, so she was all for it too..it was so cruel, but so funny. Aaahh, English..

Friday night there was a home football game.  Maliha and I are in the Yearbook club, and we had to take pictures of the students and band and cheerleaders at the game!  We got to be on the field and in the bleachers snapping pictures of everyone.  We had professional cameras so we were "authorized" ;).  Let me say from the start, that night was just so crazy, I can't remember everything that happened!! But here's the top 5 list of the most memorable things that happened:

  1. DRUM LINE JAM SESSION!! (i'm like, deaf now)
  2. throwing open bottles of water at the student section
  3. "STEWPID!!!"
  4. That dumb lady who broke the camera charger..
  5. and just being "cool" and walking on the field;)
I'm too lazy and can't remember EVERYTHING... and for those of you who DO remember this night, I EITHER HATE YOUR GUTS OR HATE YOUR FACE! (jk, jk)

No school on Monday next week of my Freshman Year! WOOHOO!! THANK YOU CHRISTOPER COLUMBUS!

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