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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Eighth Week ~ (Oct. 24-28)

*Magical Monday, Oct. 24*
Today was magic Monday, and I was dressed up as a fairy.  I had a baby blue tutu and purple wings on.  From the back, Maggie said I looked like a 5-year old! (keep in mind I'm short).  I had this glitter can and was tossing glitter and sparkles at everyone! "Happy Magical Monday!" "POOF!" "Faith, trust, and pixie dust!" Oh God.  Every body's reactions cracked me up...it ranged from "Ooo! Make me sparkly!" to "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?!"..:)  
Well, I think I got yelled at like, 3 times today for throwing glitter. :)  

In Bio, Dean FLIPPED when I tossed some on his desk.  He's like, "What's that? Sparkles?? I don't want that on me!!  GAAHH!" and shakes his desk and starts attacking the tissue box...
Later in class, this kid named Bryan was snoozing away on his desk.  Mrs. LeVan was like, "dude WAKE UP!  Does anybody have some food or something magical to wake him up?"  Everyone slowly stared at me, I said "Here." and handed Mrs. LeVan the glitter can... She shakes some on Bryan and he's like, "I'm up, I'm up!" Hahaha...

Maggie and I were walking into the gym 9th period and there was Garrett, creepily strolling around near the bleachers.. and there I was, leaving a trail of glitter behind me.  He looks over and Maggie and I, and Maggie's like, "let's run on 3! ...........1.." 
I go, "Hold up, watch.......................GARRETT! COME HERE!"  
He joggs over and says, "uh huh?"
Me: "POOF YOU'RE GONE!" I scream as I chuck some glitter at him.
Maggie: "2..."
Garrett: "What was that for?"
Maggie: "3!"
Me: "GO!!!!!"
*sprints to the locker room

At dance we got to dress up for Halloween, and I wore an old ballet costume from 2005 or 2004.  Well, since it's so old and tiny, it was kinda difficult and hot to dance in. So, I took off the top part and just wore the skirt part with my sports bra.  After jazz I'm sweating like crazy and taking huge gulps of water. I walk out of the room into the lobby..and there's Blake, just sitting on the bench.  Now his sister/cousin dances on the same days I do, so sometimes he's there.  But this, was quite awkward.  
"Hey Zandra." 
"Hey Blake." 
"You look like you had fun.." 
"Oh I did..." 
And of course my bag is right next to him:-/.  "Excuse me, my bag is over there." 
"Oh sorry.."
I changed my shoes and filled up my water bottle, then came back to re-apply some deodorant.
"So, have you talked to Eliza lately?" (btw she like(d or s) him..)
"Naahh..she's too stalkerish for me.."
"Aw! You should talk to her!"
"Please, NO."
His sister/cousin came and started walking out the door, and I started walking to my next class.
"See ya in gym!"
"See ya!"
Molly asked, "Who was that? He looks familiar.."
"Blake, he goes to our school."
"Oh.... Well THAT was a bit awkward, I do have to admit.."
"I know Molly, I know."

*College Tuesday, Oct. 25*
Today was college day, and I also have to admit that this was a stupid spirit day idea.  (Yes, I'm offending yinz.)  On twitter yesterday, someone tweeted "Love spirit week. Can't wait for "Dress Like a Normal Person Tuesday"".  Haha, tell YOU dat.

Well, aside from that, in Algebra 2 class my teacher was going nuts!  Every ten minutes she would go WAY off track and start talking about glasses and walls and babies' names for like, 5 minutes.  
Oh god, the kid who sits next to me was like, "I think she didn't take her pills this morning.."
Me: "My god, she gets like that at least once a week.."
Him: "And today's that day.."
Me: "Yeah..look at her face, she looks possessed."
Him: "Haha.. She's crazy."
Me: "I swear, every math teacher's crazy!"

Him: "Yeah! At one moment they're yelling at you to do you homework, and the next they're talking about cheap dog snuggies at the dollar general!"
Me: "Well whatever, I'm never being a math teacher."
Him: "Same.."
I hope she takes her pills tomorrow.  So she won't flip at us for not understanding how to do composite functions...

Before German, Gabriella and I went to get a drink of water.  When we were done at the water fountain, we had to "cross the hallway" (like crossing traffic).  The bell was about to ring, Gabriella says, "HURRY FIND AN OPENING!"
"I don't see any coming!" 
"Then push through!"
"Uh, okay!"
*2 seconds later
(both): "GGGAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" we shout as we push through the crowd and into the room...haha the kids who got cut off.........their faces:D......they were like, whuuuhhh?? then started laughing at us.."oh, freshmen.." :)

*Work Wear Wednesday, Oct. 26*
Well today was slow and boring. BUT, I DON'T HAVE ANY HOMEWORK!!

In Tech. Ed., Mr. Clark thought it was "Western Wear Wednesday"...he had his cowboy hat and boots on..In the middle of class, he's like "Why aren't you guys wearing western stuff?"
Kid: "Here's a better question: Why are YOU wearing western stuff?"
Mr. Clark: "Because it's Western Wear Wednesday of spirit week!"
Kid:"No it's not. It's Work Wear Wednesday."
Mr. Clark: "Really?"
Class: "Yeeaaah."
Mr. Clark: "Well the kids in the other periods were talking about western wear Wednesday...and I was being stupid a didn't check...and look at me, I look like an idiot!"
Class: "WOW..."
Haha too funny. So he changed into a shirt and tie, but he didn't have an extra pair of shoes so he had to wear his boots.
Another kid: "Aren't you gonna change your shoes?"
Mr. Clark: "I don't have any other shoes."
Another kid: "Why do you even have those shoes?"
Mr. Clark: "I got 'em when my wife and I went line dancing. You know, cowboy line dancing.."

Class: "No comment.."

*Throwback Thursday, Oct. 27*
Today was throwback Thursday.  What you're supposed to do is you're supposed to dress up from a different time period in the past.  Well pretty much ALL the girls were  80's work-out girls.  BORING AND STEWPID!  A bunch of kids were dressed from the 70s and 60s too.  A few kids were dressed in togas from the Greek and Roman empires.  One girl was a viking-woman-person (haha).  And guess what I was?  A CAVE WOMAN!  I took it ALL. The way. Back. ;)  Everyone loved it!  I had a bone in my hair and a club and everything! HAHA! I'm amazing!

At lunch, Gabriella her friend and I went to the bathroom.  Gabriella is "in the hut", so she had to do her business...anyway she had this bag of pads and tampons and everything..btw there were a lot of girls in the bathroom.  She walks out of the stall, she trips, and EVERYTHING SPILLS OUT OF HER BAG!!! HAHAHA! Her face got so red as she laughs it off and gathers her things...haha all the girls were laughing at--I mean, WITH her..hahahahaha;).

Before German, Gabriella and Emma were waiting by my locker.  As I've said before, my locker is right by a door.  As I'm zipping up my backpack, Emma knocks on the door.. "If I keep knocking, maybe animals will come.."
"WHAT?!!!!!" Gabriella and I scream at her random statement...
"No like, what if a tiger comes and eats us?"
"Oh my god.."
"You're crazy.."
"Or a rabbit, and it jumps on the window and breaks its face.."
Haha we had a good laugh after that..

*Spirit Friday, Oct. 28*
Okay so Nia, Maggie, and I BOMBED Maliha's locker.  I can't say anything else.

In math, the kid who sits next to me, Cullen, was fantasizing about this action-packed drama movie.  
"So some guy starts killing the construction workers and threatening to kill us. I throw this chair at the window and it goes in slow-motion and turns and then SMASHES into the window..You toss me a gun and I start shooting at him and then we all run out through the scaffolding as bullets fly right past us..Chad pulls out this bomb and tosses it on the bad guy's bag....This bright green helicopter swooshes down and we all get on..we fly away into the horizon as the school blows up and the guy dies..EPIC!"

Maliha and I got to take pictures of the Homecoming football game (again).  And since Halloween is Monday, all the kids wore their Halloween costumes.  Maliha just had a mardi-gras mask on. One kid went as Gumby, another as a hot dog.  I, went as JESSIE J!  (OMFG I NEED TO TELL YOU MY JESSIE J STORY!) Everyone knows I'm like, obsessed with her.  I don't have bangs. Jessie J does.  So what did I do? Gave myself bangs!  I had a winter ski hat thing on and hoop earrings and a zebra scarf and black leggings and my purple rain boots and a cropped top on. (That picture is actually me)
No, I did not cut my hair, nor did I wear a wig.  I pulled my hair into a half pony, brought it forward, pinned it down, and put on my hat.  I LOOKED LEGIT!!! NOBODY RECOGNIZED ME! IT WAS SO FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!  I was standing with some of my 6th grade friends, talking to Logan.  Caitlin was munching on some fries, and at first just looked at me. Double take.
"Who's you?"
"Oh my god I love your hair! I didn't recognize you at first!"
Haha I love it.  I was talking with some of the cheerleaders (Kate is one of 'em) and were so freaked out. They were like, "you're a bangs kinda girl." "OMG You're so creative!" "You should get your hair cut like that!"

I'm so awesome.

Well Saturday was the Homecoming dance.  Yinz guys know me.  I know you all say "You need to go! You're a dancer!" ..but THAT kind of dancing I just don't enjoy.  Trust me, I do not enjoy getting all fancied up in uncomfortable clothes and putting on fake faces and jumping around like an idiot even though you're supposed to be having a "good time".  I have been to many parties and dances like that.  I do not enjoy it. I don't care if my friggin' "friends" are there, I don't care if there's food.  I DO NOT LIKE THAT KIND OF CRAP.  LEAVE ME ALONE.  

Halloween is on Monday. Hoorah.  Tuesday everyone will be on candy highs.. Alright well I just put myself in a bad mood now so I'm gonna go take a shower now...blah blah blah blah Freshman Year blah blah blaahh.... BYE.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seventh Week ~ (Oct. 17-21)

*Monday, Oct. 17*
I have a feeling this week will be SSSLLOOOWWWW.
And yes, I will be right.

*Tuesday, Oct. 18*
Okay there are some real freaky kids in my school.  Brittney is one of those kids.  She's just, not normal.  And I know it's better to be not normal, but she takes "not normal" to a whole different level.  Great originality, but THIS is not right.  Today she had this bag. A blood bag filled with, what I think is blood. It was disgusting it was just sitting on her desk and hanging out of her pocket.  The most disturbing part?  
Wha-? That's not right.  I couldn't get a picture of her drinking it or holding it, but this was the best:
No joke.  She sits with her weird-o friends, so don't judge on my school for being fat and creepy.  These kids are individually creepy. (Sorry if you guys are reading this. It's for effect)
That's it I can't talk about this anymore.... *pukes

*Wednesday, Oct. 19*
Today I had to audition for the school musical. NOW I DO NOT LIKE TO SING AND ACT, BUT MY PARENTS WANT ME TO BE INVOLVED IN EVERYTHING.  And tonight was the dance audition.  (If you don't know this, I'm a dancer.  Everything from ballet to hip-hop. )  I'm not just saying this because it's me, but I'm a pretty dang good dancer.  People tell me so.  Anyway, the kids auditioning were all mainly singers and actors..not dancers. Great for me, I guess.  ANYWAY I am addicted to handstands and being upside-down:).  So there I was doing flips in my own world. Tessa came over and wanted to practice the combination for the audition, and there we were practicing the dance.  A few feet away there was a group of kids, junior or seniors, and they were all huddles and whispering and looking over at me... I glance over and at the same time, they're all like, "WHAT"S YOUR NAME?!!" 
"Me?" I point to myself and look around thinking, 'what??'.
"Yeah you, in the blue!"
Of course I'm the only person in their direction wearing blue, and say, "ME???"
"Yes! You! What's your name?"
"Zandra [insert last name].." (See how this comes in handy?)
Some kids were like, "I KNOW YOU!"
"How do you know me? I don't even know you..."
"Oh, haha," they respond.  "You're a really good dancer!"
"Uhh, thanks?"
"Yeah and we watch your videos on YouTube! They're so funny!"
"And read your blog!"
On the outside, I'm like, "Uh, thanks!? Spread the word!!?". But on the inside, I'm like, "HOLY SHIT I'M FAMOUS!!"

*Friday, Oct. 21*
In revenge to what Maliha did to Maggie last week, Nia, Maggie, and I have a brilliant plan to get back at her.  I mustn't tell yinz what it is, for she may read this and be prepared for anything crazy next week...BUT TODAY WE COULD NOT CONTROL OURSELVES!!! WE'RE SO EXITED!!!  I need to stop before I get into depth.  *takes a deep breath.  :D

OMFG I want it to be Monday already!  Oh and next week of my Freshman Year is spirit week, because it's the week of homecoming. (shoot me)  Magical Monday, College Tuesday, Work Wear Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and Spirit (Fri)Day!  I'm goin' FULL OUT, man!!  WOOHOO!  

Sixth Week (Oct. 11-14)

*Tuesday, Oct. 11*
I'm a procrastinator. All I have to say for today. :/

*Wednesday, Oct. 12*
THIS IS PROOF THAT BEN AND CATHERINE LOVE EACHOTHER!!  Ben in in the yellow T-shirt, and Catherine is right in front of him, looking into his eyes..
(Sorry Ryan..)

*Thursday, Oct. 13*
Maliha flipped at Maggie in art today.  Just FLIPPED.  She thought Maggie was the one who took her pliers and put tape on her backpack..Nope, it wasn't Maggie, but hey Maliha still flipped..


Want more proof? Watch this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8IdItgu-j0 

Well this week I forgot to write down all the events, so that's all I got.  I hope I remember next week of my Freshman Year.

Fifth Week (Oct. 3-7)

*Monday, Oct. 3*
In German, we get tested by having a conversation with another student in German.  Herr picks random people, and I was with this kid David.  He's weird.  When the conversation started, he says "Hallo!" and reaches out for a handshake.  We shake hands and the conversation continues... At the end we ask what our grade is, and we both got 95%!  We high-five then walk back to our desks. Of course his seat is in front of me.  Toward the end of class he turns around and gives me this (funny) creeper stare and reaches out for another high-five.  Then Herr let us talk for the last few minutes, and David kept staring at me. Made me uncomfortable. He comes over and pats me on the back and keeps coming over and TOUCHING ME!  I finally crack and yell, "Dude, stop touching me!"  He's like, "oh my bad," and puts his hand on my arm.  Made me even more uncomfortable.  Thankfully the bell rang and I sprinted out the door.  I used a heck of a lot of hand-sanitizer the following period...

*Tuesday, Oct. 4*
In social studies, we were working in groups.  Connor, Myah, Olivia, and Marie are in my group, and we were working on some packet about the XYZ Affair. Well after we got the first few questions done, we were drifting off into this deep conversation about question marks.  We were drawing different kinds of question marks all over our papers and binders.... And in the midst of all these question marks, Connor randomly gets up and asks, 
"I've never really know this, but how many letters are in the alphabet??"

*silent moment

Connor: "No, really! Are there like 30 or 40 letters?"
Myah: "Oh my god, are you joking?"
Olivia: "This is so disappointing...."
Connor: "Somebody tell me! I wanna know!"
Myah: "Connor you should know this by now.."
Olivia: "I thought you were smarter than this..."
Myah: "I thought he was too, Olivia.."
Connor: "Just tell me!"
Myah: "No you should know how many letters there are, Connor."
Connor: "I'm serious! Is there like 30??"
Olivia: "Sadly, no.."
Connor: "Then how many?"
Zandra(me): "WHY ARE YOU EVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL!?!?!!!"
Myah: "Yeah, I'd like to know why.."
Connor: "Somebody tell me!"
Olivia, Myah, and Zandra(me): "NO!"
Connor: "Oh my god.."
*another silence
Marie: "There's 26."
Connor: "ooohhhh......"

Haha Myah slapped the back of his head and Olivia and I were just like, WOW..

*Wednesday, Oct. 5*
In Gym, we were practicing hitting tennis balls against the fence/wall.  Tessa and I hit our tennis balls the wrong way, and went to go fetch them.  We get 'em and right as we are about to turn around, Riggs has a spaz attack and whips the ball!! It flies OVER the fence/wall and INTO THE WOODS!  He turns around, and his jaw drops...
"Did ANYBODY see what just happened??"
He looks at Tessa and I, and we all just burst out laughing! Oh my god... I guess it's a "you had to be there" moment...

*Friday, Oct. 7*
In Art we're making these wire self-portraits of ourselves. And we use tape to hold down the wire.  WELL, Nia was having some trouble with the tape, and took all of it off her paper.  I can't explain anymore just look at the damn picture..

LOVE IT! (psht.)

Okay so if none of you know what "nuggeting" is, it's when someone steals your backpack or bag, takes everything out, turns it inside-out, and then puts everything back in, zips it up and puts it back where it was. They call it "nuggeting" because it looks like a McDonald's Chicken McNugget (ew!).  
Anyway, In English Ben was DETERMINED to nugget Julia's backpack. She left for the bathroom, and he grabbed it and started working on it... Meanwhile, Catherine and her buddies were nuggeting BEN'S backpack! When Julia walked back in and saw Ben zipping up her nuggeted bag, she flipped at Maliha(who was supposed to be watching over it..but was talking to someone else)!  Ben stuffed Julia's bag in the garbage can and sprinted across the room.  Catherine and her buddies were just sitting there, awaiting Ben's reaction.  He strolls over to his desk, sensing something different....one glance at his backpack...
"WHAT!?! NOOO!!!!" 
"WHO DID THIS!!??!!" 
*Catherine smiles..

Haha and our teacher hates Ben, so she was all for it too..it was so cruel, but so funny. Aaahh, English..

Friday night there was a home football game.  Maliha and I are in the Yearbook club, and we had to take pictures of the students and band and cheerleaders at the game!  We got to be on the field and in the bleachers snapping pictures of everyone.  We had professional cameras so we were "authorized" ;).  Let me say from the start, that night was just so crazy, I can't remember everything that happened!! But here's the top 5 list of the most memorable things that happened:

  1. DRUM LINE JAM SESSION!! (i'm like, deaf now)
  2. throwing open bottles of water at the student section
  3. "STEWPID!!!"
  4. That dumb lady who broke the camera charger..
  5. and just being "cool" and walking on the field;)
I'm too lazy and can't remember EVERYTHING... and for those of you who DO remember this night, I EITHER HATE YOUR GUTS OR HATE YOUR FACE! (jk, jk)

No school on Monday next week of my Freshman Year! WOOHOO!! THANK YOU CHRISTOPER COLUMBUS!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fourth Week (Sept. 26-30)


*Monday, Sept. 26*
Nothing fun today. Oh poo. :'(

*Tuesday, Sept. 27*
Remember how in the first week of school Blake hit his head off the dumbbell doing sit ups? Well being the idiot he is, he hurt himself again in the weight room. :D  We had some time left over from the push-up test, so our teacher let us talk for the last ten minutes.  Marie and I were reminiscing and laughing again...when SUDDENLY, we both just so happen to glance across the room and see Blake hurt himself!!  He was trying to be cool and lift the bigger dumbbells in which I can't recall the real name of.  He was pulling it up to strengthen his biceps, but jerked and whopped himself in the face!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!! OMG Marie and I were dying of laughter..Should've been there..For the rest of class he was rubbing his teeth and chin..hahaha..

*Wednesday, Sept. 28*
In the wonderful class of Tech Ed., we were cutting wood. (Fascinating, I know!)  Anyway, we were doing this assembly line thing and were in groups of 2-3 at each machine.  (Needith I remind you, there's only 3 girls in my class.)  I was with this guy, John, and we were at the table saw.  The table saw kicks back a TON of wood and sawdust, so after the first few cuts I made, the whole entire front part of my body was COVERED in sawdust. I was wearing a thin shirt, so some of the larger pieces went through my shirt and INTO MY SKIN!! OUCH! At the end of class, our teacher showed us how to use the air hose. (for those of you who don't know what it is, it's a hose that blows air to get all the sawdust off ya.)  Anyway, I was the first to use it.  That hose has so much pressure, you can loose control of it easily..and thus I did, and the three kids in which I blew the air on were literally "blown away" (haha).  Andrew Schnepp was like, "I'M BLIND!!". Oh god I love that kid:).

*Thursday, Sept. 29*
Today we were cutting more wood in Tech Ed., but John and I were at a different station. The Miter saw.  You have to wait 'til the blade stops turning after you cut the wood to bring it up.  I guess I got a bit lazy and after the fourth time through.  I brought it up and the piece of scrap wood flew across the room!! Haha it was so funny!  John was like, "Don't do that again!"  And everybody else was like, "What was that?!!"  It kept happening to me and John.  Most of the time on 'accident'. ;)  Oh what fun.

My cousin Bryce is in my lunch period.  His friends kicked him out of his table (today).  So he sat with us today.  Some kids were like, "Are you guy's siblings?"
"No we're cousins.."
"Since when?"
"Since we were born."
Yeah he left shortly after that to go to the library..

8th period I have English. There's this guy whose name is Ben and this new girl whose name is Catherine.  THEY FLIRT ALL THE TIME!!! It's so annoying!  Maliha and I passed them an 'annonymous' note saying "JUST DATE ALREADY!"  They were like, who did this? They were both like, "oh I don't want to date you.."  But after that, now they flirt even more and like each other EVEN MORE!!! *high fives Maliha

In Gym today we had to run the mile again (wtf?) ..because we have to run it twice; at the beginning and end of the time you have gym.  But, we have gym for the first 2 semesters:(.  Since our teacher loves us and doesn't want us to run it in the winter, she made us run it today. .

ANYWAY, when I was on my 2nd lap, I heard really hard breathing behind me.  I glance back...and...guess who it was......GARRETT!!!  I looked back again, and he was jogging faster and smiling nicely (and creepily) at me.  I ran faster and looked back one more time, he was catching up and yelled, "Hey! I have to talk to you!"  Oh. My. God.  I sprinted from there on and avoided him for the rest of class.  HE IS SO CREEPY!! GAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I HAD A NIGHTMARE!!!! *shudders

*Friday, Sept. 30*
 In Social studies, we were talking about state laws and our teacher was asking for laws that we knew.  This one blond girl told us about a law.
"In Georgia, you're not allowed to tie giraffes to light poles."
What? How do you even GET a giraffe??  Then she told us another one.
"Did you know that you're not allowed to go whale fishing in Nevada and Montana."
WHAT?!?!!!  Hahaha she's so stupid:
"Kristen, there's no oceans in Nevada and Montana."
"Oh really? I thought there was.."
Maggie and I had a good laugh after that..:)

Earlier today, Riggs wanted to see my friend Tessa and I do ariels. (for those of you who are stupid an ariel is like a flip..a cartwheel with no hands)  So in gym, we were having an "ariel party" on the tennis courts and in the hallways.:)  She got hers down, but me? Sadly no. I still need to WERK on mine..

And after gym, I was changing in the locker room.  Riggs, Austin, and Tessa were waiting for me in the hallway. We walk to the lobby.  We turn the corner and OUT POPS LITTLE JOHN (not the kid in my Tech Ed. class) !!! "Tessa, will you go to homecoming with me?" he giggles as he hands her a bouquet of flowers. "YES OF COURSE!" The bell rings and they hug and jump on top of each other, and everybody claps and 'awws'..They hold hands and walk away into the crowd of students.  :) So cute:D

I STILL can't remember what I was going to say last week of my Freshman Year. I need to. Ugh whatever. See ya next week:) Maybe.