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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ninth Week ~ (Oct. 31-Nov. 4)

For your information, I'm writing this two weeks after this all had happened.

 *Monday, Oct. 31*
Alright so today is Halloween. Spooky, huh?  And as I predicted, everyone was being festive and wearing costumes and pumpkin shirts.  ;)

Now, I write down those blog-worthy events on a little pink Post-It, and for today I wrote "100%, Eliza, candy".  I can't remember what "100%" means so I'm going to skip that...
Eliza and I went trick-or-treating together.  IN THE FRIGGIN RAIN. Gah! It was so cold! AND RAINY.  But we did get a lot of candy, considering we were the only trick-or-treaters in her neighborhood.  Every house just DUMPED the bowl into our pillow cases. :) oh yeah and I was a criminal who escaped from jail. Eliza was a lacrosse player. Original, right?

 *Tuesday, Nov. 1*
I walk into school today, and EVERYONE is eating candy.  The kid next to my locker whipped out this HUGE KitKat bar! It was at least 10 inches long! ...and as a result of candy munching, EVERY SINGLE CHILD IN SCHOOL WAS ON A CANDY HIGH. Even me:). 
(Sorry I'm writing this two weeks after this happened, I can't really remember...and I'm playing Club Penguin too sooo..SORRY BEN.)

 *Wednesday, Nov. 2*
Same thing as Monday, can't remember. The post-it says, "m&ms, twitter, jackson and maggie"....hhmmm...

Oh yeah in Social Studies, I was opening a bag of M&Ms, and spilled them everywhere. That's all.  I am not able to make it sound as friggin amazing as it was because I AM SCREWED UP RIGHT NOW.

Twitter? What!? I think that was the day I tweeted like, 100 times.  Yeah my followers got mad at me. "@polkie45 you tweet waaay too much! you're filling up my timeline!"...yeeeah yeah I'm sorry, OKAY?

Jackson and Maggie.  I don't remember what that one was about.  I know it had something to do with gym class☺, but NOPE. Can't remember. 

 *Thursday, Nov. 3*
Haha in math today, my teacher was writing something on the Promethean Board.  Somebody had a laser pointer, and was shining it on the board. Haha everyone saw it but didn't tell our teacher.  Whoever had it ended up pointing it directly on her butt every time she turned around. We all burst out laughing at one point...and Mrs. Switala's like, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS LAUGHING AT!??"
"Oh nothing.."
Ahh that's what keeps me awake during class..

So in English, our teacher had to get something before class.  She came back like, 20 minutes later..and in the meantime, BEN was our teacher.
B: "Alright what should I teach you guys?"
B: "I'm not gay!"
Maliha: "Yeah, yeah, you say what you say.."
B: "BUT.."
Class: "But what?"
B: "I CAN teach you guys how to walk like a girl!"
Maliha: "So you're basically teaching us how to walk like a GAY kid just like you?"
B: "No...but I'll teach you anyway....stick out your butt and keep your head high and STRUT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!"
Maliha: "oh my god.."

Thankfully, Alison whipped out her phone and snapped this picture of him "demonstrating" how to walk like a chic. 

ROTFLMFAO!!! (Btw Ben is on the left, Maliha is on the right...) Oh my god☺

At dance, it was just my one friend and I. (I can't remember if I already mentioned her..)  Our teacher taught us a little duet combo.. click this link to watch it! ITS FRIGGIN AMAZING!!! 

 *Friday, Nov. 4*
When Maggie, Nia, Maliha, and I were walking to art..somehow we all started singing(more like screaming) songs from Veggie Tales♫......we turn the corner and one of the band teachers starts singing along...heh heh it was a little awkward but we were laughing afterwards. -_-

I am addicted to being upside-down and on my hands. Cartwheels, handstands, ariels, you name it. And in gym, I almost wiped out. End of story.

Well now I'm going to write next week of  Freshman Year.  Have fun watching my videos;).

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