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Friday, November 18, 2011

Eleventh Week ~ (Nov.14 - Nov.18)

*Monday, Nov. 14*
Like I said last week, the 1st quarter is over.  So, in Bio we got new seats. D: ...Our wonderful table hasn't been completely broken up, but we still miss each other:(.  I sit with Dean, and Erin and Zach sit at the same table.  Well I guess that wasn't the best thing to say but we were pretty, uh, SAD.

*Tuesday, Nov. 15*

I got to school like, 30 minutes earlier than I normally do today.  Myah, Maggie, and I were sitting in a circle in the middle of the hallway, eating Pop Tarts and Special K cereal.  It was our little pow-wow.  Apparently we were in front of this asshat's locker, and when he came he gave us a glare and stomped right through our circle to get to his friggin locker the hell.  I guess he got up on the wrong side of the bed...(if he even sleeps in a bed!)

*Wednesday, Nov. 16*
At lunch, I (finally) remembered to bring POPCORN! There's a microwave in the cafeteria.  Oh, and it's not like, the 1000-volt nice rotating LIGHTED microwaves. NOPE. Just some piece of CRAP they found at like, goodwill or something.  There were no numbers, no start or stop button.  Just like, 5 buttons which were labeled "Pastry", "Two Burgers", "Meatloaf", "Frozen Vegetables", and "Bagel".  WTF? What kind of asshat makes this kind of microwave anyway? Ugh..well it took us (Anastasia, Hayley, and I) like 5 friggin minutes to figure out how to work the darn thing.  But, we did pop it eventually, and when we were walking back to our table, some of the kids were like, "can I have some?"....it smelled so good. :)

*Thursday, Nov. 18* and *Friday, Nov. 19*
I'm not up for uh, writing this.  So watch my VLOG! (for those of you who are stupid a vlog is a video-log..like a blog but in video form..). Here's the link:

Hey..Thanksgiving is next week! No school on Thursday-Monday! ALRIGHT! The first actual "break" of my Freshman Year.

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