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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tenth Week ~ (Nov. 7- Nov. 11)

*Monday, Nov. 7*
Yes so a few days ago it was Daylight Savings Time. Thank you Benjamin Franklin, for giving everyone an extra hour of sleep!!  Yeah but everyone was still a zombie on Monday...

*Tuesday, Nov. 8*
Dean is hysterical child. In Bio, he was talking in this deep, whisper voice...
"Let's go get hiiiiighhh.."  "Wanna go smoke some weeeeeeeddd??"  "You go'n get hiiiiiiiighhh.."  Hahahaha....[NOTICE: HE WAS JUST JOKING AROUND.  HE DOES NOT DO DRUGS OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT.  HE WAS MAKING US LAUGH, JUST LIKE HE DOES EVERYDAY.]

*Wednesday, Nov. 9*
Oh my god in German class, were were learning about FARM ANIMALS.  Don't know why, don't care why, but whatever the reason...IT WAS HYSTERICAL.  I sit next to Gabriella and Skid..and we were zoning out at one point in class.....then, all we hear is "DAS HUHN.... KRAHHK KRAAAAHH KWRAAAHHH!!!" and see Herr Baysinger make this psycho face and have there CLAWS and is jerking up and down...HAHAHA !  Oh my god I can't even describe it right....but it. was. SO. FUNNY....
So then Gabriella, Skid and I BURST out in hysterical laughter....everyone turns around and stares at us, but we kept on giggling..
Haha and when Herr was talking about horses, he was making us ROFL! In German, "horse" is "Pferd". And you pronounce both the P and the F...So it sounds like, "PUHFAYRD".  Hahaha I can't describe this correctly..I'll stop..

At the beginning of 9th period, there was a fire drill.  Kate, Maggie and I were starting to change into our gym clothes, when the FIRE ALARM RANG!  GAAHHHH!!! It's SO loud in the locker room!  We screamed so loud Maliha thought someone got shot! Haha oh GYM...

*Thursday, Nov. 10*
In Tech. Ed., we rotated teachers. (Oh yeah the 1st quarter is over.)  And Our teacher is this short, plump ginger. (I don't mean to hurt any Ginger's souls.  Gingers are only stupid so the blondes can understand them;))  ANYWAY he was turning on the radio and asked what station we wanted to listen to.  96.1 Kiss or WAMO100.1 was the overall response, but NOPE.  "Okay." he says as he turns it to a friggin COUNTRY station. X-(  Country music BURNS my ears! NO JOKE! I get headaches when I hear that CRAP. 

In Bio, we were taking the unit test.  Dean finished before everyone else, so he was just chillin' at his seat, making weird noises with his big, fat pink eraser.  I'm gonna stop there..let's just say it was annoying and funny as asshats trying to be cool.

Skid, Maggie, and I had to stay after school for a (late-noticed) student government meeting.  IT WAS FOR 15 FRIGGIN MINUTES.  We got so ticked off when we found out, mainly because our parents couldn't pick us up 'til 4pm! (School ends at 2.)  UGH. But, we did make the best of it.  In conclusion, Maggie beat herself up and they locked me inside Skid's locker.  (I almost suffocated.)  Watch my video to see what the frig actually happened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn-HJ1qFq2M

*Friday, Nov. 11*
You guys know how I'm obsessed-no, addicted- to handstands and that.  Well, after gym (we were in the weight room) I walk into the hallway, then kick up into a handstand and walked on my hands;).  This kid(can't remember if I mentioned him already), Joe, was in front of me.  "I swear, everyday.." he sighed.  "It's addicting!" I say. (mind you its difficult to breathe upside-down like that!)  I fall out of my handstand...all my weight is moving forward and I'm falling to the floor!  Oh my god I CRASHED into Joe! Haha it was funny but hella awkward.  
"Haha sorry.." I laughed.  
*silent moment
"Are you okay!!!??"
"You bet I am.."


Hey I'm doin' a flash mob on Saturday! Whatever this has already happened and I GOT TO GO.  Catch you up later (of?) my Freshman Year.  CIAO BELLA!

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