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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Fourteenth Week ~> (Wed. Dec. 7)

Hey everyone. Sorry it's like, 2 weeks late. I've been really busy with dance and Thanksgiving.  Two weeks ago there was a bomb threat. Don't worry, we're just some white, ghetto-wannabe suburban school.  They caught the asshat who did it and now he's in juvy. Over thanksgiving break I went to NYC(my favorite place in the world). The Talent Show was last Thursday.  My family got our Christmas tree Saturday. And on Sunday I had rehearsal for our Christmas Spectacular (not my studio, the company).

I have a lot to say right now so let's skip the details, and ahead  to today.

*Wednesday, Dec. 7*
Before I forget, Julia wanted me to put this in:
Haha in English today we were discussing something about lemons..nah it was limes..OH YEAH, LIMELIGHT. Or something like that..and our teacher was asking if we knew what it meant/was.  Out of the blue, Ben goes, "I heard that like, celebrities ate a lot of limes to get nice skin."  HAHAHAHA Everyone burst out laughing..and our teacher was staring at him like he had 4 heads..

We're doing swing dance in gym class now. I'm starting to regret my decisions for partner picking..I mean, I wish I wrote down someone else FIRST..but then again I'm happy I put it like this on the note card:
(Their names are like that for their protection. No, I'm not going to tell you who they are. Whether I know you or not.)
So, hopefully, Miss Kraus(the student teacher) will understand.  And, hopefully, [guy friend] or [funny kid] picked me;)..
I have a feeling [tall kid] picked me though..we were partners for class today. So uh, darn.  [funny kid] kept looking over at me, but maybe that was just me looking at him..I really don't know.  I really don't know what we're even doing for this whole swing dance thing.  Personally, I think it's absolutely fun and hilarious, but iiiiii jussstt...I-I don't know anymore.  UGH. x-(

Oh and for the past few days, Sharmaine and I have been talking late at night(phone calls, texting, tweeting). Like, 'til 1 or 2 am..I guess we haven't been getting up at our normal time, well at least I haven't.  Anyway, I came home from school today and my mom was in the dining room decorating.
"Come here, Zandra." she said in a tone that was not very welcoming.
"Hold on let me put my coat away.." I said, just to avoid what was to come.
"No, come here. Right now." her voice got louder and more demanding.
"Wait a second, mom.."
"Get over here right now. Right now please, come here."

I came. And this is what she said.
"I am taking your phone away from you at 9pm tonight. You need your sleep and you can never get up in the morning.  So get OFF YouTube, get OFF Twitter, and do your homework right now."
"Can I eat something first?!"

"NO! Do your homework right now. And when you're finished get your shower and go straight to bed."
"Do you want me to die in my sleep? I need to eat!"
"Don't you talk back to me.  You can eat when I say so. GO!"

Like, WTF?!!  I just walked away and did my homework.  Well, I did my math homework.  I still have English and Bio, but those things aren't due 'til Monday.  Now, I KNOW I won't have time to do them, but I REALLY.. do NOT want to do them, nor understand what the hell I'm supposed to do. GAH!

I have to go to my sister's band concert tonight.  Bleh.

Hey Ben, you have to keep "reminding" me every Friday to write my blog. Or...or else I'll "forget" again..

I AM PISSED AT MYSELF. UGH. Oh and today is officially halfway through the 2nd quarter of Freshman Year.  Watch some dance videos on my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/polkie45?feature=guide

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