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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I don't even friggin know what week it is. But it's the 2nd day of the 3rd quarter. ~ (Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2012)

Well the title explains what day/week it is.
I know, I know, I'm a bit behind on this blog. Well, more like, NINE JUNKIN WEEKS LATE.  I'm sorry. the 2nd quarter was so much fun. I already miss it. 


In Tech. Ed., I had Mr. Seybert, and we made these lil' airplanes and these hill-climb cars. Sad to say, but I honestly had fun. The airplanes were a bit of a pain to SAND and junk, and for the fact that Sara kept BREAKING MY WINGS..it took me a bit longer than everyone else to finish mine....The cars, oh my god, were such a fail. The first day our teacher was explaining what we'd be doing, Lindsay and Sara and I were just, CLUELESS.  Sorry, we had absulutely no idea what the hell a gear ratio was, what torque was, let alone what the frig we were to do....but hey, we made our cars and they turned out okay. OKAY?

In Algebra 2, my teacher is still nuts. Cullen got a 34% on his midterm! WHAT IS THIS CLAPTRAP.

Ha so in Social Studies, (we still have no junkin'  floor or ceiling or board or anything), we uh, did absolutely nothing. Haha but Tessa, Abby, Maggie, Myah and I get usually (would?) talk for the last 20 some minutes of useless time.  And our teacher is uh, not married, and uh, apparently has this 'thing' for another teacher in the building. (I think her name is Miss Taylor or something?) Anyway, she would always barge in in the middle of class and leave so stupid-ass love note on Mr. Florijan's desk. Ew. ANYWAY, one day Mr. Florijan was at a meeting, and wasn't in class for the first 2o minutes.  So, Miss Taylor asshatedly strolls in, KNOWING he'd not be there. She tells us what to do. We do it. Mr. Florijan walks in and is all like, "hey thanks for doing this babe."  EW!!!!!!!!
 Okay I can't go on.

Oh and there's no more gym. D:

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