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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Second Week (Sept. 12-16)

There were some interesting moments this time around...eh.

*Monday, Sept. 12*
Okay so Monday was 'meh'.  Of course, I didn't want to wake up early and get ready and all that.  I just wanted to sleep in.

Hahaha in German class, Gabriella was asking to go to the bathroom and attempted to say it in German:
"Herr Baysinger?" 
"Kann...ich........pee-uh gehen?"
 Haha the rest of us were just, laughing our pants off.  Oh, and if you don't speak German you probably didn't get it.. ;)

In gym (my favorite part of the day) we were practicing passing footballs.  We had to have a partner, and I was partners with Tori.  We have this joke going on..we don't let Maliha be in our group and make her seem all alone and such.  Well she ended having to be partners with Zach, this jock weirdo.  Oh gosh, we were bashing on her after gym...

*Tuesday, Sept. 13*
After English class x-( , Maliha and I were walking to my locker.  My locker is like in this small section of the school, right next to this intersection of hallways.  When we were passing the intersection, there was a group of people and two girls were yelling and calling each other names.  By the time I was done getting my stuff, they were fighting.  Literally, fighting.  Punching, shoving, pulling hair.  Their friends were trying to pull them apart and trying to get them to stop..

"Hannah! Ivy! Stop!!"
"Ivy!! CUT IT OUT!"
"IVY, STOP!!!"

Screaming started to scratch my ears.  Red stuff was on the floor and on them.  Everybody else was just watching in half-shock, half-alertness. 

"Ladies, cut it out! Get it to the office right now!!"

A teacher finally came and broke them up.  Blood on the floor. Blood on Ivy. Blood on Hannah's face. Tears on their faces. Hannah has a lip ring, and Ivy must've ripped it out.  It was disgusting. It was scary. It was exciting. And by the time Maliha and I got to our next class, the event had already got there.  Jeez, and I heard that Hannah and Ivy are like, best friends.  I mean...were.

 *Wednesday, Sept. 14*
Well I just realized homecoming is coming up.  I know this makes me seem like an idiot but, what the heck IS homecoming?  I know it's the football game and at halftime they announce the homecoming king and queen.  I know that there's the parade and all the students make a float.  I also know that it's some dance that you have to dress up for.  Seriously, what is homecoming??  I googled it and now know, that it's exactly what I know it as.  But that's from wikipedia.  What I'm clueless on is what exactly goes on at MY school.  I've asked my upper classmen friends and they said that it's a game and a parade and a dance.  UGH! WHAT THE FRIG GOES ON??!!  Some of my friends have gotten asked to the dance, but hey-oh-not-me-oh. -_-

And I've also noticed that this kid keeps lookin' at me.  I don't mean just a casual look, I mean a checking-out look.  He's in my Tech. Ed class and my gym class. Lindsay told be his name was Garrett (Not 'Yellow Gatorade', Eliza.) and he's half Italian half Puerto Rican.  That's cool, hes multiracial, like me:). But still, staring at me is frightening.  Icky icky icky. Creepy. *shudders again

*Thursday, Sept. 15*
Oh my god. Rant day was funny. Intense.  Nikki was telling us about this community club thing she belongs to.  Her mom and her were going to to Zumba yesterday, and ended up not going because her mom was "too busy" watching TV...and I've met her mom, she's not like chubby or anything, but she better go to Zumba class instead of "being busy".  And thus, Nikki was ranting about her mom and her future and, oh it was just too funny. :)

Haha in German we were having these conversations with the vocabulary we learned.  Two kids had to have a conversation, and the two that went today just screwed up.. This is what it was (translated into English):

"Are you looking forward to the weekend?"
"Yeah, I'm going to the movie theater."
"With who?"
"With my friends."
"Where are you guys meeting?"
"At the movie theater."
"Aren't you going to shave?"
"No.  I don't shave at the movie theater."
"Are you going to bring groceries?"
"No, I'm going to shave."
"I hope you enjoy that!"

Hahahaha it was just so random...

Alright in gym, we were walking over to the track, and I was walking with Marie.  Kate was walking ahead of me, and I ran over to talk to her.  Marie told me what had happened after I walked away. Garrett came up to her.

Garrett: "Marie, who's that girl you were just talking to?"
Marie: "Zandra [insert last name]."
G: "Oh okay."
M: "Why?"
G: "Oh I was just wondering.."
M: "No seriously why."
G: "I was just wondering!"
M: "Garrett, WHY did you ask?"
G: "She...she's really pretty."
M: (trying not to laugh) "What?"
G: "She's beautiful."
M: "Uhhh oookaaayy?"
G: "Please don't tell her!"
M: "Okay I won't!"
G: "Really don't"
M: "Oh I won't.  Trust me."

Aaaaaannd of course Marie tells me anyway. ;) Oh my god I was dying of laughter...it was just so funny!!  The way she told the story was so amusing!  What a joke!  What was he thinking??!  Marie was like, "yeah, he might ask you to homecoming."  Too funny. Toooooo funny.

*Friday, Sept. 16*

Boy, was I freaked out today...
In Tech Ed. Garrett was creeping on me again.  Haha Lindsay was trying to "protect" me.  Oh god it was really funny after that period.

And in gym, I was walking to the gym and Marie was behind me.  I didn't realize it until she hit me with her bag.  I scream, "I'm so scared! What's going to happen?!" in a joking way, referring about the Garrett issue.. And apparently Garret was behind Marie.  I realized that and my jaw dropped. 8-O  Haha I did that 'I got my eyes on you' hand/finger/eye to him and he's all like, "what?"  Oh, GOSH.  He knew I knew and was talking about it with his buddies......Oh and by the way, he's not that "high" on the social ladder, if you know what I mean...

That whole situation kept me thinking all night.  Wondering, imagining, laughing, smiling, freaking out.  I'm not sure how I felt, but it was definitely hilarious. :D

Oh joyous times.  Wonder what's gonna happen next week of my Freshman Year.

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