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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Last Week of School!

Wow. I just read through all of my posts. Sorry I haven't kept you guys updated every week or month. I've been so busy with school and auditions and...twitter..teh heh. Some CRAZY stuff has happened since my last post in March, which was a while ago.

Just to catch you guys up a lil' bit:
March- "It all started with a follow on Twitter." 
April- yeah i don't remember anything..
May- Art show! Nia, Maggie, and a bunch of my wonderful art buddies helped set up the art show. Let's just say we had fun over there at the middle school... ;)
Early June- I have knee problems. I went to the doctor and turns out i have Patella Femoral Syndrome. It's so painful. But I'm going to physical therapy now to help strengthen my knees. :)

Oh and Eliza showed me Chatroulette. It's seriously the best thing ever. It's hilarious, but a lil' creepy..And I've been keeping in touch with one of the normal guys i met on there. He lives in Michigan. ;) That's all i have to say about that..

Oh and remember my March post about my stupid English bullsh*t? Remember the kid i was telling the story to on Skype? Yeah. Just remember him, okay?
*winky face*

The last day of school is TOMORROW! Thursday the 14th. It's a half day. All this week we've just took our finals and watching videos and stuff. I was planning on leaving school early a few days, but decided not to. 

(I probably haven't told you this..) But, I got accepted into the Pre-Professional Trainee Program at the Joffrey Ballet School in NYC! (Yes, the place Chloe from 'Dance Moms' is going to this summer.) Thousands of dancers audition across the country, and only about 50 get accepted. I got accepted. I. Got. Accepted. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance! If I would do it, I'd live in New York for all of my sophomore year. I'd go to cyber school (ew, I know), and be dancing ALL day. :) This is like, a dream come true. To dance year-round in NEW YORK CITY! My favorite place in the world! Everyone says I should go. It would look amazing on my resume. And dance would probably be what i go to college for...I don't know.
Anyway, my parents and I haven't made a final decision yet. But there IS a possibility that I will do the program. So, that's one of the reasons why I'm not skipping school this week..

Tomorrow is going to be bittersweet. I'm so friggin excited that I won't have to wake up at 5am or have to do homework and that it's gonna be summer! But, I'm gonna miss some of my classes that i had this year. :( I'm gonna be sad that freshman year is over, it just went by so fast! I can barely even remember April! Whatever, tomorrow is the last day. Just 3 hours of school, then I'm done. Done with school. Done with classes. Done with all the bullsh*t. Done with being a freshman. Bittersweet.

I'll post my final post after my last day of my Freshman Year. See you then..

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