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Friday, September 30, 2011

Third Week (Sept.19-23)

 Holy shizzazle.  It's the third week of school!  I'm surprised and relieved that I made it through. :D  

 *Monday, Sept. 19*
So you know how some people are insecure about themselves?  Like, mainly teenagers? Well, I'm not. Thank the stars for it because if I was, I wouldn't be sitting here moving my fingers up and down across this keyboard...I don't care extensively about what the frig I look like or what people think of me, so screw those who do. ...Aaaannndd that was kinda random and now I forget what point I was going to make...GAH! I'll remember later..

In Tech Ed., we have to wear safety goggles.  Lindsay, Sara, and I take turns getting each others' goggles and putting them back. Today Lindsay was putting them back, and she told me what went on while she was doing so...Garrett the freakzoid came up to her and was like,
"Hey you're friends with Zandra [insert last name], right?"
She says, "Yeah...why??"
"Well do you know if she's going to homecoming with anyone?"
"No...but knowing her she probably doesn't even want to go to the dance.."
"Oh," he sighs, "okay. Just wondering.."
Looking at him like he has a "kick me" sign on his back, she says, "Garrett, don't even think about it. There's NO chance you're going with her.  That's just- not right.  Whatever the little Garretts inside your head are doing, they're doing it completely wrong.  Have someone toss a cinder block in their tiny offices to stop that nonsense.  Seriously, there's no way.."
Lindsay started to walk away and heard him whisper under his breath,
'There is a way. I DO have a chance. Just watch me..'

When Lindsay told me THAT incident, I was rolling on the floor laughing so hard!!! Literally!! Oh my god, what a kid. What a thought.  Then I was thinking, what would I do if he DID ask me?  What should I say?  I would normally shut him down, but ya never know how that child might ask me...*shudders yet another time

 *Tuesday, Sept. 20*
I still can't remember what I was going to say earlier.. x-(

Anyway, in art class, we had a visitor.  I forget what his name was but he was a happy man.. His job? He's the co-designer for Mary kate and Ashley Olsen! HOW COOL IS THAT!  He lives in New York City and works with them.  I forget what their fashion line is called, but he showed some of the designs he created and they're pretty cool.  Most of them were ugly but it was cool. All this, and he graduated from my high school (like 10 years ago).  What a man.  

Also in art class, this kid who emceed the middle school talent show last year is in my class.  His name is Sean and his natural hair color is dark brown.  Heh heh, he walked in with strawberry-blond hair today. Psht. When he walked by my table Maggie was like, "Did you guys see that?!??! Am I hallucinating or is his hair really that color?!!"  Oh god it just doesn't look right with his skin tone and eyebrows...it's not like him. Well, hey like I say: People change. Mentally and physically change. Sometimes it's for the better, sometimes for the worse, and sometimes for some reason we can't figure out. :-/
(You happy, Sean?)

 *Wednesday, Sept. 21*

I have two "lows" of the day.  Third period, and after school at around 3ish.  I love to sleep.  -_-  zzzzz  In social studies (3rd period), our teacher was giving us instructions on how to do our outlines and do this assignment.  That took about 20 minutes to do so, and boy was it BORING!! I looked around the room at the 5-minute mark and EVERYBODY was zoning out.  We were slouching, resting our eyes, holding up our heads with our hands, and most of us had our heads on our desks... When the teacher was like, "alright get to work", we were like, "What are we doing?"
Like everyone came up to him and asked, "can you explain it again?"
After the second kid he's like, "You guys weren't listening to me were you?"
Haha we were like, NOPE..

*Thursday, Sept. 22*
In Gym we have to have these heart-rate monitors to monitor our heart rate. (pretty self-explanatory, eh?) And we have to stay within 150 and 205beats per minute in 20+ minutes.  There's a strap you put against your heart; and for the ladies, "underneath the bra". They are so annoying!  They squeeze your ribs and make you breathe all funny.  Then we have these watches as well and nobody knows how to use them. Oh well. I still love gym:)

Today was the first day of dance class for me. Well, it's really the second day of dance, but it's the first Thursday.  MUCH better than Monday, which I don't feel like describing.  In tap class, I did a quadruple pirouette AND balanced it at the end!! Woohoo! and Molly (she's a junior) did this insane turn!! Like a nail drilling into the ground! Oh man yinz guys should've seen it..

*Friday, Sept. 23*
So sore today from dance. My back is killing me. Ouch.

In Bio, Mrs. LeVan was CRAZY. She was talking really fast and getting off topic and sticking tape on people's backs and running around the room and...HOLY CRAP!  "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"  My gawd. And the kid who sits next to me, Dean, was crazy too.  He was like, flailing around and demonically laughing and randomly naming animals and colors..this Friday was nuts day.  That's what it was..

Today Marie and I walked home.  I live 2 minutes from the school-driving time, and we figured we could walk home. Well of course it was RAINING and we had to walk on this stupid pathway so it was MUDDY and COLD and RAINY. I said that already.. We had no idea where the heck we were so we were walking in the woods for the last bit.  When we walked through my neighbor's back yard, Marie said, "I hope we won't get in trouble."  THEN, WE HEARD A CHAINSAW!! AAAAH!! We ran so fast after that...

I still can't remember what I was going to say earlier.  Dang.  Well hope yinz enjoyed this week of my Freshman Year.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Second Week (Sept. 12-16)

There were some interesting moments this time around...eh.

*Monday, Sept. 12*
Okay so Monday was 'meh'.  Of course, I didn't want to wake up early and get ready and all that.  I just wanted to sleep in.

Hahaha in German class, Gabriella was asking to go to the bathroom and attempted to say it in German:
"Herr Baysinger?" 
"Kann...ich........pee-uh gehen?"
 Haha the rest of us were just, laughing our pants off.  Oh, and if you don't speak German you probably didn't get it.. ;)

In gym (my favorite part of the day) we were practicing passing footballs.  We had to have a partner, and I was partners with Tori.  We have this joke going on..we don't let Maliha be in our group and make her seem all alone and such.  Well she ended having to be partners with Zach, this jock weirdo.  Oh gosh, we were bashing on her after gym...

*Tuesday, Sept. 13*
After English class x-( , Maliha and I were walking to my locker.  My locker is like in this small section of the school, right next to this intersection of hallways.  When we were passing the intersection, there was a group of people and two girls were yelling and calling each other names.  By the time I was done getting my stuff, they were fighting.  Literally, fighting.  Punching, shoving, pulling hair.  Their friends were trying to pull them apart and trying to get them to stop..

"Hannah! Ivy! Stop!!"
"Ivy!! CUT IT OUT!"
"IVY, STOP!!!"

Screaming started to scratch my ears.  Red stuff was on the floor and on them.  Everybody else was just watching in half-shock, half-alertness. 

"Ladies, cut it out! Get it to the office right now!!"

A teacher finally came and broke them up.  Blood on the floor. Blood on Ivy. Blood on Hannah's face. Tears on their faces. Hannah has a lip ring, and Ivy must've ripped it out.  It was disgusting. It was scary. It was exciting. And by the time Maliha and I got to our next class, the event had already got there.  Jeez, and I heard that Hannah and Ivy are like, best friends.  I mean...were.

 *Wednesday, Sept. 14*
Well I just realized homecoming is coming up.  I know this makes me seem like an idiot but, what the heck IS homecoming?  I know it's the football game and at halftime they announce the homecoming king and queen.  I know that there's the parade and all the students make a float.  I also know that it's some dance that you have to dress up for.  Seriously, what is homecoming??  I googled it and now know, that it's exactly what I know it as.  But that's from wikipedia.  What I'm clueless on is what exactly goes on at MY school.  I've asked my upper classmen friends and they said that it's a game and a parade and a dance.  UGH! WHAT THE FRIG GOES ON??!!  Some of my friends have gotten asked to the dance, but hey-oh-not-me-oh. -_-

And I've also noticed that this kid keeps lookin' at me.  I don't mean just a casual look, I mean a checking-out look.  He's in my Tech. Ed class and my gym class. Lindsay told be his name was Garrett (Not 'Yellow Gatorade', Eliza.) and he's half Italian half Puerto Rican.  That's cool, hes multiracial, like me:). But still, staring at me is frightening.  Icky icky icky. Creepy. *shudders again

*Thursday, Sept. 15*
Oh my god. Rant day was funny. Intense.  Nikki was telling us about this community club thing she belongs to.  Her mom and her were going to to Zumba yesterday, and ended up not going because her mom was "too busy" watching TV...and I've met her mom, she's not like chubby or anything, but she better go to Zumba class instead of "being busy".  And thus, Nikki was ranting about her mom and her future and, oh it was just too funny. :)

Haha in German we were having these conversations with the vocabulary we learned.  Two kids had to have a conversation, and the two that went today just screwed up.. This is what it was (translated into English):

"Are you looking forward to the weekend?"
"Yeah, I'm going to the movie theater."
"With who?"
"With my friends."
"Where are you guys meeting?"
"At the movie theater."
"Aren't you going to shave?"
"No.  I don't shave at the movie theater."
"Are you going to bring groceries?"
"No, I'm going to shave."
"I hope you enjoy that!"

Hahahaha it was just so random...

Alright in gym, we were walking over to the track, and I was walking with Marie.  Kate was walking ahead of me, and I ran over to talk to her.  Marie told me what had happened after I walked away. Garrett came up to her.

Garrett: "Marie, who's that girl you were just talking to?"
Marie: "Zandra [insert last name]."
G: "Oh okay."
M: "Why?"
G: "Oh I was just wondering.."
M: "No seriously why."
G: "I was just wondering!"
M: "Garrett, WHY did you ask?"
G: "She...she's really pretty."
M: (trying not to laugh) "What?"
G: "She's beautiful."
M: "Uhhh oookaaayy?"
G: "Please don't tell her!"
M: "Okay I won't!"
G: "Really don't"
M: "Oh I won't.  Trust me."

Aaaaaannd of course Marie tells me anyway. ;) Oh my god I was dying of laughter...it was just so funny!!  The way she told the story was so amusing!  What a joke!  What was he thinking??!  Marie was like, "yeah, he might ask you to homecoming."  Too funny. Toooooo funny.

*Friday, Sept. 16*

Boy, was I freaked out today...
In Tech Ed. Garrett was creeping on me again.  Haha Lindsay was trying to "protect" me.  Oh god it was really funny after that period.

And in gym, I was walking to the gym and Marie was behind me.  I didn't realize it until she hit me with her bag.  I scream, "I'm so scared! What's going to happen?!" in a joking way, referring about the Garrett issue.. And apparently Garret was behind Marie.  I realized that and my jaw dropped. 8-O  Haha I did that 'I got my eyes on you' hand/finger/eye to him and he's all like, "what?"  Oh, GOSH.  He knew I knew and was talking about it with his buddies......Oh and by the way, he's not that "high" on the social ladder, if you know what I mean...

That whole situation kept me thinking all night.  Wondering, imagining, laughing, smiling, freaking out.  I'm not sure how I felt, but it was definitely hilarious. :D

Oh joyous times.  Wonder what's gonna happen next week of my Freshman Year.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Week (Sept. 6-9)

My first week as a high school freshman went MUCH better than I expected it to be. I guess.

To start off, I am one of the shortest kids in school.  Not only is it because I'm a 9th grader, but it's because I'm half Filipino. And Filipinos are NOT tall.  Being towered over by kids I've known since kindergarten kinda freaks me out.  Like, what happened over the summer?  I'm walking down the hallway and have to stare at people's lower backs and butts.  Let me tell you, some of 'em need to wipe a bit better...

Secondly, the high school is going under construction this year.  They're adding on to what has been added before...In 2005, the school board estimated the class of 2015 to be around 300 when we enter high school.  Psht. My class is the largest so far, a whopping 407 students.  (There's about 1,700 students in the high school.) And they said that the construction won't be done 'til our SENIOR YEAR.  Or maybe that's a rumor.... probably. 

Finally, this year my family is hosting a foreign-exchange student from Germany. Her name is Lilliana, and she's a junior.  She's really shy and really tall, which of course doesn't help my situation. She likes stripes and jeans and wearing her sweatshirts zipped up to her neck. (ew!)  She's also pretty much fluent in American English, 'cause she's studied English for like, 9 years.  Plus, she can help me with my German homework!! ;)

I'm just going to highlight and rant about things that happened. Here we go.

*First Day of School*
Okay so the first day of school wasn't as hectic as I thought it would be. It actually went pretty smooth.  All my classes were introductions/orientation kinda things, so no learning. :) 

My first class is Tech Ed., and apparently mostly guys took this class.  My friend Lindsay, this other girl Sara, and I are the only girls in our class! It's kinda depressing but it's also good, in a way.  Lindsay and I walked to class together.  It was freakin' awkward because we got there when two other kids were snoozing on the tables. One of them is this spontaneous, chubby sophomore named Andrew Schnepp, and the other a freshman named Jackson Strange.  Strange, isn't it? (haha) Sara walked in after more guys came, and she said, "Are there going to be other females in this class?"  Lindsay and I looked at each other and replied her question sadly. :'(

My second period class is Algebra 2, and here's the deal. One, I can't remember anything from 7th grade Algebra. Two, there's only 2 freshman in my class.  And three, my teacher had my older brother, Joshua, when HE was a senior! HA! My mom told me that they didn't get along so well, so I didn't mention anything. Don't want to stir up any memories, even though it was like, 10 years ago...

I hate social studies. I hate history. I hated 8th grade social studies. Pre-AP Social Studies 8. Worst class ever. EVER! I FAILED THAT CLASS!! (not really I got a B) And, of course, I'm already falling asleep in social studies on the first day of school...

I have Honors Biology with my good friend, Rose. My teacher creeps me out. Maybe it's because she wears golf shirts, maybe it's because she's from New Jersey, maybe it's because she holds a Mets baseball bat while she teaches. I don't know what it is, but I don't like her. She creeps me out.

I'll describe lunch on the first day of school in 8 words: sunny, new, crazy, yummy, and just plain AWKWARD.  I have like, no friends in my lunch. All my good friends are in 8th period lunch. Lindsay, Rebeckah, Eliza, Marie, Elise, Courtney, Rose, and more I can't recall at the moment.  All in 8th period lunch. So THEREFORE, I sit with Nikki (a new Filipino girl from Chicago), Gabriella, Holly, Olivia, Gabriella's friends, and Lilliana. :-/ Olivia is nuts. She has this old tin Spiderman lunchbox. She's so weird it's hysterical. 
But Lilliana just sits there and eats her sandwich quietly.  Nikki and I were asking her questions like, how her day went and what classes she has.  She just answered simple answers and didn't give detail.  I mean, have a dang conversation for all heck!  It's probably because she was a bit overwhelmed by going to an American high school with like, a thousand kids.

After lunch I have German 3.  Gabriella and Lindsay are in my class! And we have the good teacher! Herr Baysinger teaches German 3, German 5, Russian 2, Russian 6, AND Spanish 2.  HOW COOL IS THAT!! Man, I wish I was quad-lingual. (?) Haha and Herr Baysinger teaches his classes in JUST the language, so when class started he talked in German only...all us freshmen who had Herr Costigan last year were like, whaaaaatt??? oh wait, I mean, wwaaaaaasss?? Haha but I think I've learned more from Herr Baysinger in a week than I did a whole year with Herr Costigan... -_-

Art. Is. Nuts. Maggie, Holly, and Maliha are in my class, and, it's nuts.  We were drawing our shoes and Maliha had a flip flop on...haha let's just say it didn't go so well...

Ummm, English this year is boring.  The only good thing is that Elise and Maliha are in my class, and the construction is right outside the window.  The worker guys were singing Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" and pounding away at the steel. :)  

I LOVE GYM CLASS!!!! Well, the first day of school was nothing much. I'll explain later.

*Wednesday, Sept. 7*
Tech Ed. was awkward again. 

In History I fell asleep. Literally, fell asleep. My teacher was rambling on about how the civil war is related to something...I don't even remember.

Lunch was pretty bad.  Lilliana was late, and our table was already full.  There was an empty table next to us, so we told her she could sit there; and we'd turn around and talk to her.  Within a few minutes her table was filled with these crazy guys.  She turned away and ate quickly.  Nikki was in the middle of asking me about my classes, and Lilliana just... left. She just left! She just got up and left! Wha-? I can understand the fact that she doesn't know any of those guys, but at least make an effort to say hi! WTF! I told my mom about what happened and she said it was all my fault.  Hey, it's not my fault my table was filled with my friends.  I know it was the 2nd day of school, but still.  It's not my fault.

This kid in my gym class always watches me and my friend Kate.  He broke his leg so he can't do gym and has to sit on the side. I think his name starts with a 'C'. I don't even know. But it REALLY freaks me out...maybe it's because Kate and I are always dancing and making weird faces at Maggie and Maliha, but whatever the case, he better stop.  Or else. Or else I'm going to attack him or something.  *shudders

*Thursday, Sept. 8*
Today I was reading my email and got one from my Filipino friend, Kristin.  She blogs too, and I decided to blog as well. (The rest will be history. :D)

Okay so at lunch, Nikki, Holly, and I were ranting (Thursdays are rant days), and Nikki mentioned Lilliana. There was like 10 minutes left, and she wasn't here.  I don't know where she was or why she didn't come, but something inside me twitched.  "Maybe she isn't here  'cuz of yesterday", Nikki glared.  I felt bad. But I also felt like I had accomplished something.  I felt like something bad happened, and was going to happen, and let me tell you, I was right. 

On to something more joyous...GYM!! :) We did this "fitness test" in class so our teacher can see our ability and how much we need to progress throughout the year.  We were in the weight room, because it was raining and because the other gymnasiums were being used.  We were doing this timed sit-up test.  You do as many sit-ups as you can in a minute while your partner holds your feet down and counts.  My partner was Maliha.  Since there's a limited amount of space in the weight room, we had to do it in 2 or 3 groups by the dumbbells and dirty towels. -_- Maliha and I were in the last group, which is when most of the guys went.  My other friend, Marie, was watching us... So, it's about halfway through the minute and somebody moans.  Some kids who were watching giggled and the teacher walked near us and mumbled something.  Once we're done, the teacher had to take height and weight measurements, so she said we could just talk.  Maliha had to tinkle, so Marie and I were talking.

Zandra(me): "What happened while I was doing sit-ups?"
Marie: "What do you mean?"
Z: "I heard someone moan.."
M: "OH! Hahaha Blake hit his head off that dumbbell!!"
Z: "Psht really?  How?"
M: "He kept scooting back when he was going his sit-ups, and eventually bonked his head!!""
Z:  "Hahahaha!! Look at him! He's holding his head!"
M: "Haha yeah and when he hit is head he made some noises and just laid there!"
*more laughter
Z: "Haha what did the teacher do?"
M: "She just ignored him and was singing to herself!"
Z: "Wow...oh my god look at Blake!"
M: "He looks like he's going to pass out!!"
*hysterical laughter
Z: "Haha what if he hit his head again.."
M: "That would just make my day!! Haha!"
[Then we started reminiscing about 3rd grade..]
Z: "Haha you know what his expression reminds me of?"
M: "What."
Z: " Remember in 3rd grade when you, your sister, my sister and I, we all were playing on my one neighbor's old play set?"
M: "Haha no.."
Z: "Remember how your sister was wearing those plastic, blue dress-up shoes? And how she was on the monkey bars?"
M: "Still no.."
Z: "Remember how she flung her shoes off and one of 'em hit my sister in the face!?"
M: "NO?!?!"
Z: "Haha well it broke, and Blake's face looks like my sister's face!!"
M: "HAHAHA!!! Now I remember!!"
*belly laughter
M: "Wait, your sister's FACE broke because of a plastic SHOE my sister flung at her?!?!""
Z: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Nooo!!! The SHOE broke!!!"
M: "OH! Hahaha"
*crazy hysterical laughter

We just kept laughing like maniacs the rest of class.  Hahaha and when we were walking to the buses after school, Marie and I saw Blake.....his hand on his head and his face full of pain. :D

*Friday, Sept. 9*
In Biology class, we watched this Bill Nye video about microorganisms.  Sadly, Bill wasn't as funny and weird as he was in the science videos of the olden days (3rd grade!).  I'm pretty sure I have to write some summary or something about the video, but I can't remember what happened.  I'm also pretty sure that I caught up on my sleep that period...

Here's the story with Lilliana at lunch.  She got her schedule changed and is now in 8th period lunch. :D That's good for the both of us because I don't have to suffer awkwardness, and she gets to have lunch with the other foreign-exchange students. :) Yay.

I STILL LOVE GYM!!! Today we played this game. I forget what it's called but what it is, is that you pass the tennis ball to someone and say their name, you cant let it touch the ground, and only one person can hold the ball.  If some one messes up, we have to start all over in the same order.. AND everyone has to touch the ball in the fastest time. First we started in a circle, and then we got in a line and tried it. 
Riggs passed the ball to me and then I passed it to Austin. And let me say, THEY ARE FRIGGIN' TALL!!  Haha so when we were in the line they were literally talking to each other over my head.  (Thank you, genes, for my HEIGHT.)  I was like a fence! Then our class huddled up and tried to beat the previous class's time, 3.2 seconds.  Everyone was giving their ideas and flailing around trying to demonstrate their idea.  This kid was in front of me and I was pointing my finger in a circular motion. Apparently I touched his butt, but here's the conversation Riggs and I had:

Riggs: "Hey you just touched his butt. I saw you touch his butt. Why'dja do that?"

Me: "No I didn't. Well if I did, I didn't mean to, not on purpose."

Riggs: "Nuh-uh I saw you touch his butt..."

Me: "Hey I didn't mean to! Why you accusing me? You jealous? Do ya want ME to touch your butt?"

Riggs: *silence*

Hahaha! Of course Marie was witnessing the whole thing and burst out laughing.  Austin was watching too, chuckled and told Riggs he should've said yes...Oh and by the way, our time was 1.88 seconds. WERK! Oh man. I love 9th period P.E. ;)

Wow. I can't believe I survived the first week of my Freshman Year